Monday, July 27, 2009

Lauren and Joanie at Endless Valley - July 5, 2009

Initial jog out
Lauren was a bit bummed as Joanie was gimpy for her jog out -
however, she passed with flying colors the next morning!

Checking Joanie's respiration

Happy to drink from the public trough at the halfway point
So happy that Joanie smiled!!!

Check out Joanie's fancy Cavallo boots!

Joanie finally got her butt number halfway through the ride!!

Lauren trying to put Joanie in a trance to bring down her breathing

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beth and Flicka at Endless Valley Ride - July 5, 2009

Flicka was well behaved for the vet checks!!
Checking legs

Checking for swelling/filling on Flicka's legs

Walking out after a successful jog out

Ready for the trail!

They made it!!
Flicka was happy to follow the pack - way, way behind.
Didn't bother her at all!

Beth chatting and making new friends!

Jonah was very patient on this long, hot day!

Checking CRT - Capillary Refill Time - on her gums -
not Flicka's favorite thing to do - but she gave in...

Checking for back soreness

Final jog out

Yeah!! Beth and Flicka took first place!!

Lindsay and Dyno at Endless Valley, July 5, 2009

Ready to ride!
Dyno enjoyed the public water troughs

Dyno was a good boy for the vets

Checking pulse and respiration

Checking for leg soreness

Eating again

Dyno trotted out well - we lucked out that it was in a big sand arena
Coming back from their 10 mile ride

Putting Dyno's Pegasus boots on before heading out for the 2nd half of their ride

Yeah! Lindsay and Dyno got 4th place!!

Lindsay's serious competitor look

Endless Valley Competitive Trail Ride - July 5, 2009

Lindsay packing up the trailer!
Dyno and Flicka enjoying their portable paddock - with all you can eat grass!

The fencing crew

Tyler and Jonah taking advantage of a bit of shade

Sarah's rig - right "next door" to us

The horses enjoyed their paddocks -
it was a mini-reunion for Dyno/Flicka and Joanie/Glory!

Looking through the valley at our camp area

Getting ready to vet in

Beth/Flicka and Lindsay/Dyno

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pony Club Tetrathalon Rally - July 2009

We enjoyed 2 days of nice weather for our regional
Tetrathalon competition at Jefferson County Fairgrounds.
Sarah the shooter!
Sarah got to help Miss Britt load her pistol

Anthony used a chair to perfect his shot (didn't know that was allowed...)

Alicia had fine form over the jumps in the running phase.
Note, she still keeps her heels down - even when she's running!

April and Alicia were in the same heat.
Alicia kicked butt and came in second!

KEC Fan Club Cheering Section!

Anthony had to jump big over the real crossrails!

On your mark, get set, GO!!

Nice tight knees over the fences Sarah - George Morris would be proud!

Anthony and Miss Britt looking absolutley thrilled to be running at 7:30 in the morning!
Anthony and Angel had a clear round

Sleepy girls - Georgia, Chloe and Kristy in the tent