Monday, April 14, 2008

Fox Hunting Clinic at Mill Creek Hunt

Kendra posing with Field Masters John and Roger

in Formal (red) and Informal Attire (brown tweed)

Kendra and Heather enjoyed visiting the Mill Creek Hunt Club (just North of Gurnee Mills Mall), on Sunday, April 6th. Club members presented information about fox hunting ettiquite and attire as well as a tour of their kennels where the many, many hounds are housed. We're looking forward to joining in on a few hunts in 2008 and learning more about the in's and out's of a proper hunt!
Our new favorite hound - "Rasta" - full of personality!

The Hunt Club Stables - members may rent stalls on hunt days.

Love the Dutch doors!

Huntsman Brenda Yost walking in her Formal Attire

- also known as "Hunt Colors"

Huntsman Brenda Yost in her kennel coat discussing information about Foxhound breeds and daily life. The kennels are an impressive version of a mini-horse barn!

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